opportunities for personal development
Student Leadership
Enhancing our students’ opportunities
We place great value on ensuring your son becomes a responsible and conscientious adult. Through leadership programmes we enhance our students’ opportunities for personal develop- ment. We will play a crucial role in shaping the school experience and preparing students for a successful and responsible future.
Gaisce (‘Great achievement’) is a self-development programme for young people, awarded by the President of Ireland. Established by the President in 1985, this national youth award is Ireland’s highest recognition of a young person’s achievement and voluntary contribution. The programme is self-directed and non-competitive; challenging young people to become active within their communities, dream big and reach their full potential.
Gaisce participants in The Green are directed by their President Award Leader to choose their own activities, goals and projects to achieve the bronze level of the award programme. We are immensely proud of our long tradition of running this internationally recognised award programme in the school, with thousands of our students being awarded the bronze award over the years. Interested students continue with the programme in senior cycle and complete the silver award. Here at CBS The Green, we are very fortunate and proud to have had a few committed students achieve the coveted gold award and awarded for their efforts in person by the President of Ireland.
Foróige ‘Leadership for life’ Programme
Foróige is a youth development organisation engaging over 50,000 young people and 5,500 volunteers. Here at The Green, we offer our transition year students the opportunity to become involved in their national ‘Leadership for Life’ programme. The programme is for young people between the ages of 15-18 and aims to enable participants to develop the skills, inspiration, vision, confidence and action plans to be effective leaders and make a positive difference to their society through the practice of effective leadership.
Through the programme students are afforded the opportunity to put their leadership skills into practice through leading a community project. One such project that has greatly benefitted our school was the design and creation of an Edmund Rice ‘Livelife’ sensory garden using a disused space in the school.
GAA Future Leaders Programme
The Future Leaders Transition Year Programme is a joint initiative from the GAA and Oide. It is a cross-curricular
programme comprising of a series of modules designed to encourage maturity, initiative, responsibility and
leadership skills in pupils. The Programme gives pupils the knowledge and skills to support all roles required
in the effective staging of Gaelic Games. This is a leadership programme in a GAA context where everyone can
get involved. As part of the programme students are challenged to organise and run both on-field and off-field events for younger students. Here in The Green we will be enabling students to play a part in their school and community through the Future Leaders programme. Students contribute to the range of GAA events on offer and supplement the management behind our school teams. Students will act as coaches, referees, performance analysts, PR personnel, reporters, and groundsmen to name but a few.
Students will have the chance to obtain many qualifications during the programme such as the Foundation Level coaching certificate and Refereeing qualification which are run by our Games Development Officer.
Students Council
The Students Council in The Green is a proactive voice for students and provides many opportunities for our student cohort to contribute to life at CBS The Green in a meaningful way. During scheduled meetings, issues of concern to students in the school are raised and discussed, and action plans are finalised. The student council are an important and well-respected stakeholder in the school, regularly consulted by the Senior Leadership Team so that the aims and objectives of the school are met. This structured partnership has resulted in a myriad of student-led projects being successfully completed within the school, and the Council has made significant contributions to school policy reviews. This highly impressive, committed group of students work closely with the ISSU to ensure student voice is heard not only at a school level but also at a regional and national scale.
The Prefects are outstanding role models and ambassadors in CBS The Green. In school, the Prefects get involved in a myriad of activities, giving up their free time to help out and support school initiatives and activities. In late August they return to school early to support the incoming First Years with their induction into life in The Green. They assist with Parent Teacher Meetings, Parent Information Evenings, the Open Night, 6th Year Mock Interview evening and Wellbeing Week. The Prefects selflessly give up their weekends to help the Parents’ Council with bag packing and assist with incoming First Years Admissions Day. Our Prefects are also involved in many new initiatives in The Green such as non-uniform days and wear a red wristband day to show Racism the Red Card. The students that take on this leadership role, as Prefects, make a very positive contribution to school life here in The Green.
The Breakfast Club
The Green’s Breakfast Club offers a nutritious breakfast of tea, toast and a selection of cereal to all students daily, at no cost. The club opens every morning between 8.10 am and 8.50 am. Under the supervision of the Breakfast Club Teacher Team, Transition Years prepare and serve breakfast to all students. First to Sixth Years enjoy the warm atmosphere, music and a chat with friends every morning. The Green’s much treasured Breakfast Club helps to prepare students for their day of learning ahead.
At The Green, we actively engage in opportunities to lead, inspire and make a difference for the betterment of others
— 5th Year Student