What’s happening at CBS The Green
School News
School lotto
Where the funds go:
Funds raised through the lotto will directly benefit our students’ educational experience, including:
- Development of a sensory garden
- Creation of wellbeing spaces
- Funding extracurricular activities
- Purchase of sports equipment
Leaving Certificate Results Day/Minister for Education Visit
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Student,
I hope you all had a very enjoyable summer. As you know the examination results are available online from 10 am on Friday morning.
Welcome to the Green Family incoming First Years
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope that you have had a lovely summer and that your son is excited about starting as a first year student at The Green next Monday morning. Please find a short welcome video…
Dr David Coleman – Helping Children & Teenagers with Anxiety
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I hope your son is enjoying the summer break despite the poor weather. I would like to draw your attention to an event that is currently advertised by Siamsa Tíre and might be of interest to some of you. Psychologist Dr David Coleman will give a talk on September 21st on helping children and teenagers with anxiety. ..
New School App
CBS The Green is delighted to launch its own School App. Please follow the links to download now.